Fish Flavored Shredded Pork

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Long time ago, there was a business family in Sichuan, their family members liked to eat fish and cared about the flavor very much. When they cooked the fish, they usually add some ginger, garlic, cooking wine, vinegar and soy sauce to remove the fishlike smell.One night, the hostess was cooking another dish, in order not to waste the seasonings. She added the seasonings which were left from the previous cooking for the fish to stir fry with this dish. At first, she thought that the dish might not be good. She was worried about it that her husband came back.
The special fragrance made her husband couldn’t wait to have a taste before the dinner. It was so delicious that her husband wondered how she cooked this dish. Then she told him the secret.
So actually there is no fish or fish fragrance in the Fish Flavored Shredded Pork, it is only using a combination of seasonings to cook the vegetable and pork instead of fish. After many years, the Sichuan people made continuous improvements of this dish. The particular taste of this dish was soon popular all over the country.

Fish Flavored Shredded Pork Cooking Recipe

Ingredients (zhu liao)
Lean meat (jing shou rou)
Lettuce (wo sun)
Fresh black fungus (hei mu’er)
Marinade(yan zhi)
Selected soy sauce, (sheng chou)
sugar, (tang)
Dark soy sauce,(lao chou)
Meat tenderizer
Water, (shui)
Add all the above ingredients together with the meat. Mix them thoroughly. Pickle them for 15 minutes.
Spices (tiao liao)
Grlic (suan)
Pickled ginger (pao jiang)
Pickled chili (pao la jiao)
Pi Xian broad bean paste
Scallion (cong)
Sauce (tiao wei zhi)
Selected soy sauce, (sheng chou)
Vinegar, (cu)
Water, (shui)
Starch, (dian fen)
Sugar, (bai tang)
Methods (fang fa)
Heat a wok, add some cooking oil, add the shredded pork, turn off the heat until its color become white. Pick them out and set aside.
Turn on the heat, add the pickled chili, pickled ginger, garlic and broad bean paste and stir fry until you can smell the fragrance.
Add the shredded lettuce and shredded black fungus, stir fry for about 20 seconds.
Add the shredded pork and the sauce, fast stir fry until well combined.
Pick them out and serve them with scallion.